Friday, August 29, 2008

Good Stuff at Your Local Asia-town, Part 3

All ladies need a good hair band for face washing. For so long, I've had trouble finding a proper fabric hair band that kept my hair off my face. None of the Goody, Scunci, or Vidal Sassoon hair bands I've ever bought have any grip, so they eventually end up slipping to the back of the my head, letting wisps of my hair spill forth as I'm lathering my face over the sink. So annoying.

So for years, I've used a plastic headband with teeth that hold the hair.

These are effective, but not travel-friendly. And when you're groggy and bleary-eyed in the morning, you can stab yourself in the eye with it.

The solution? The Sofrien hairband.

I'm talking about #3 in this picture. It looks like a simple terrycloth hairband, but there are elastics sewn into the band, so it always stays in place. And the band is wide, so you can tuck in every little wisp of hair around your face. I can even tuck all of my long hair in the back, and it stays put perfectly. It's comfortable, it's durable, and it's easy to pack in your travel or gym bag. A real beauty must-have for me.

(You don't need to buy the Sofrien brand. You can find similar hairband/turbans in most Asian beauty supply or cosmetic shops. But I think the Sofrien is one of the cheapest.)

Where I bought my Sofrien hair band: The Galleria Market at the Koreatown Galleria

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